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Personal DataMedical Data
Name: John Wayne Doe Primary Physician: Dr. Jane Osmond
Address: 123 Any Street Address: 550 Hospital Way
Orlando, FL 32801 Orlando, FL 32809
Phone: 213-555-4257 Phone: 213-555-1111
Insurance Carrier: Aetna Doctor's Emergency Number: 213-555-1234
Policy: 19837269-AEJ Specialty: General Practioner
Agent Name: Scott Costello  
Agent Phone: 800-555-1235 Edit
Emergency ContactMedical Details
In case of emergency please contact:
James Doe 415-555-2235
Blood Type: O+
Bee Stings
Edit Prescriptions:

Special InstructionsActive/Recent Medical Issues
Special Instructions:
Power of Attorney held by James Doe. Patient suffers from advanced alzheimer's disease.

Patient suffers from Alzheimer's.
Hip replacement surgery was performed 10/22/2009.
X-ray's are available.
Next Appointment scheduled March 29, 2010 @ 10:30 AM
